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Honorary Trees

Trees are a unique way to celebrate the birth of a child, celebrate a life milestone or create a living tribute to a lost loved one.

  • A donation of $30 to plant a tree in the Grand River watershed is a wonderful way to improve our quality of life, today and for future generations. 
  • Your donation comes with a charitable receipt. Their name,  and yours, will be marked on this webpage. Please note that these donations go towards our Nature Conservancy Fund, which supports GRCA tree planting projects. Contributions cannot be ascribed to specific trees.
  • Please visit our secure website and select Give Grand! ($30 to Plant a Tree) to make your donation. If you would like an acknowledgement other than a digital card sent, please provide us with your tributee's contact information by emailing us after completing your donation.

If you prefer to make a donation over the phone or by cheque, please call our office at 519-621-2761.

Prior to 2023, honorary tree donations were recorded in the Honorary Tree Book located at our head office. The book remains available to view past memorials, and moving forward the names will be recorded on this webpage.


Planted for

Reason for Donation

Mark Gibson

Alissa Gibson

In memory

Karen Sutton

Ed Goodwin

In memory

Margaret Bell

Rose Whiting

In memory

Beth Goodwin

Barbara Girling

In memory

Beth Goodwin

Elaine Elchert

In memory

Elisabeth Blanchett

Ted Blanchett

In honour

Pat Ottaway Bryan & Rod Bryan

John Richmond

In memory

Pat Ottaway Bryan & Rod Bryan

Ron Hewitt

In memory

The Boys of DCA

Gerald Allan Binkley

In memory

Abhijit Shukla

Shridhar P. Shukla

In memory

Rosemarie Sugg

In honor of her husband

In memory

Pat Ottaway Bryan & Rod Bryan

Virginia Lee Majury

In memory

Pat Ottaway Bryan & Rod Bryan

Barbara 'Joan' Bates

In memory

Karlene Mears

Jack Marentette

In memory

Karlene Mears

Janet Hamilton

In memory


Nyasha Millicent

In honour

Angela Kozachenko

Michael D'Alessandro

In celebration of confirmation


Lionel Fernandes

In memory

Mary Leroux

Daniel Lawlor

In memory

Carol Betts

Bill Moore

In memory

Anne Dahmer

Ron Dahmer

In honour

Jane Mitchell

Mary Ann Christie

In honour

Alex Boyle

Steve Kret

In memory

Alex Stewart

Steve Kret

In memory

Jamie-Lynn Lehane

Peter Derle

In memory

Dan Daigle

Ronald Marshall

In memory


Helen Tokiwa

In memory

Dona Massel

Fred Johnson



Nelda Brenneman

In memory


Lois Muriel Mainland

In memory

Mary Stevens

Dona Massel


Debra Courtney & Family

Margarete Schilling

In memory

Donna Lyle

Barbara Leduc

In memory

Mary Alice, Greg, Jaquie & Blake

Sheila Pigeon

In memory


Rolf-Dieter Solga

In memory

Karen Leiva

Ms. Sheel

In honour

Scott Tousaw

Galt to Paris Rail Trail

In honour

Lynda MacLeod

Lynda MacLeod


Becky Meyer

Scott & April Snider

In honour

Barbara McKay

Bryan McKay

In memory

John & Gail Stahlbaum

Elmer John Baer

In memory

Michelle Alderson

Gregory Alderson

In memory

Pat Ottaway Bryan & Rod Bryan

Lanny Ross Salmon

In memory

Evelyn Harold

Marilyn Alford

In memory

Dan Daigle 

Jack Lee

In memory


Eileen Margaret Lemp

In memory

Pat Ottaway Bryan & Rod Bryan

Gary Kitchen

In memory

Pat Ottaway Bryan & Rod Bryan

John David Robson

In memory

Sarah Harris

Walter Portengen

In honour

Pat Ottaway Bryan & Rod Bryan

Robert John Gauthier

In memory

Carol Betts

Debbie Betts

In memory

Carol Betts

Ruth Ann

In memory

Ursula Bauman

Jack Lea

In memory

Robert Kniesz

Albert Kniesz

In memory

Robert Kneisz

Alice Krulicki

In memory


Olive Stevens

In memory

Dan Daigle

Gerald Gerth

In memory

Alice Roeder

Gord Eason

In memory


Mylan Tram

In memory

Maxine Kubiseski

Ceri Howell

In honour

Barbara Bealt

Liz & Wayne Caston

In honour


Karen Mainland

In memory

Karen Priebe

George Miller

In honour

Mike Hulls

  In celebration

Chris Van Dyke

Sandy Little

In honour

Daryl Smith

Mike McNorton

In celebration

Carol Betts

Debbie Betts

In memory

Carol Betts

Rosamond & Herbert Lee

In memory

Reep Green Solutions

Mary Jane Patterson

In honour

Nicole Barrett

Lisa M. Falkenburger

In memory

Wayne & Elizabeth Caston

The Veale Family

In honour

Trudi Collins

Richard Sterne

In memory

Jeffery Sangers

Deborah Simpson

In memory

Cameron Irvine

The Irvine Family

In honour

Emily Slofstra

  In celebration

Robert Eilers

  In celebration

Peter Pautler

Hazel Sitler

In memory

Brenden Sherratt

  In celebration


 Planted for

Reason for donation

Pat Ottaway-Bryan & Rod Bryan

 Ciara Patrice Wiley

In memory

Dan Daigle

 Cynthia Del Bel Belluz

In memory

Danita Simmons

 Arthur Noble

In memory

Kady Anson

 Bobby Siharath

In memory

Trillium Lutheran Church Choir

 Sandy Bishop

In memory

Brenda Banks

 Velma Green

In memory


Joseph Recchia

In memory

Nancy Heinbuch

Pete Bradley

In memory

Claire McCusker

Evan & Amanda Lodge

In memory

Sundar Viswanathan

John Auger

In memory

Jane Staines

Michael Daivs

In memory

Pat Ottaway-Bryan & Rod Bryan

Lesley Patterson

In memory

Angeline Ottaway

Lesley Patterson

In memory


Jacqueline Moore

In memory


Jean Dickin

In memory


Marie Louise Vollmer

In memory


Leone Scarpino

In memory


Murray Dunnette

In memory

Norma Williams

Jamie Williams

In memory

Jaqueline Wettlaufer

Walter Alexander Rideout

In memory

The Boys of DCA

Jim Fraser

In memory

Barry Mills

Nora Fueten

In memory

Hunter Steel Sales Ltd

Wilma Wood

In memory


Helle Reikman

In memory


Geoff Meston

In memory

Joanne Vipari

Jim Kurt

In memory

Peter Paulter

Joanne Paulter

In honour

Peter Paulter

Mary Paulter

In honour


Rosalinde Solga

In memory

Pat Ottaway-Byran & Rod Bryan

Vickie Hughes

In memory

Syanne McGregor

John Sciberras

In honour

Denise Moore

Jason Cammaert

In honour

Lynda MacLeod

85th Birthday

In celebration

Swati Sharma


In celebration

Barbara McKay

Bryan McKay

In memory



In memory

Doug & Jeri-Gay MacDonald

Patricia Gehl

In memory

Nancy MacKay-Dietrich

Eleanor Gail Mackay

In memory

Glen Grandine

Jack Griffin

In memory

Serena Manson

Jack Griffin

In memory


Erik Westermann

In memory

Sylvia Miller

Colin Brace

In memory

Michael Murray


In memory

Rod Bryan & Pat Ottaway-Bryan

Barry William Rogers

In memory

Rod Bryan & Pat Ottaway-Bryan

Austin Layden

In memory

Swati Sharma


In celebration

Rod Bryan & Pat Ottaway-Bryan

Marion Jean Hostein

In memory

Carol Betts

Debbie Betts

In memory

Harry McGhie

Terry Binkley

In memory

Ivy Cui

Anabela Bonada

In honour

Ivy Cui

Jillian Prosser

In honour

Ivy Cui

Naomi Wolfe

In honour

Ivy Cui

Rebecca Robinson

In honour

Judy Gilchrist

Doug Gilchrist

In memory

Christina Koenig

Gus B

In memory

Christina Koenig

Jacqueline K

In memory

Matt Holland


In celebration

Melanie Alappat


In celebration

Terry Veres

Bill & Marg Sheppard

In honour

Extend-a-Family Waterloo

Lisa P

In memory

Swati Sharma


In celebration

Holden Ryder

Penny Battler

In memory

Elizabeth Charlton

Victoria Dahmer

In memory



 Planted for

Reason for donation

Michael Kostiuk

Emily & Scott Verhoeve

In honour

Swati Sharma


In celebration

Dan Daigle

Ruth Antill

In memory


Erma Shantz

In memory


Thomas Lawn

In memory

Lynda MacLeod

Pamela De Gruchy

In memory

Elizabeth Hardin

Jan Kalbfleisch

In memory

Gwen Daly

Dan Reynolds

In memory


Bonnie Pickering

In memory


Harold Day

In memory


Contact Us

Grand River Conservation Authority
400 Clyde Road, PO Box 729
Cambridge, ON
N1R 5W6
Phone: 519-621-2761
Toll Free: 1-866-900-4722