Board of Directors
A 26-member board of directors is appointed by our 22 participating municipalities, and oversees our policies, programs and budgets.
Under the Clean Water Act, the members of the GRCA board also serve as members of the Grand River Source Protection Authority (GRSPA). GRSPA meetings are held when required to carry out duties associated with drinking water source protection. When meetings are called, they occur before our scheduled GRCA Board meetings. When More information is available on the website of the Lake Erie Source Protection Region.
Board meeting agendas, reports, minutes and live-stream webcast
The live-stream meetings, board agendas, reports and minutes are available on our board meeting webpage. The board meets monthly, usually on the fourth Friday of the month.
Our operations are overseen by Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) Samantha Lawson and supported by Karen Armstrong, Deputy CAO and Secretary-Treasurer and ten department managers.
We have about 140 full-time employees. Most of them work in the Administration Centre, while others work at conservation areas, nature centres, and a tree nursery throughout the watershed.
Visit the Contact Us page for more information.