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Plan Review fees

The GRCA provides plan review and technical clearance services to municipalities for Planning Act applications to ensure they meet GRCA and provincial environmental policies. The GRCA also provides advisory comments to the municipality for Aggregate Act applications. 

The sections below list the fees for review of Planning Act and Aggregate Act applications. These fees are also summarized in the current fee schedule which became effective January 1, 2025.  

Applicants are encouraged to consult with Resource Planning Staff prior to submission of all applications to determine the extent and nature of the information required to accompany the application and to determine the appropriate fee.

GRCA plan review comments will include notes on the correct fee due. For details on payment, see 'Payment of Fees' section below. 

  • Fee: $2,505 base fee plus $1,305 per net hectare
  • Applicant driven modification: $1,670
  • Final clearance for registration of each stage (technical review required): $6,708
  • Final clearance processing fee (no reports or review required): $255
  • Fourth and subsequent submission (same report): $575

The combination of the base fee and the fee per net hectare will be capped at $30,000.

The net hectare fee will be based on the initial submission and will exclude lands outside of the development limit (for example natural hazard, natural heritage areas and buffers).

Stormwater management facilities and other open space or park uses are to be included in the net hectare fee calculation.

At the submission of the application, 70 percent of the combined base fee and per net hectare fee is required. Prior to issuance of conditions of draft plan approval, the remaining 30 percent of the fee is required.

A processing fee will apply for a subdivision or condominium application where no technical review or reports are required (for example no erosion and sediment control plans, stormwater management brief, etc.).

  • Major: $2,500
  • Minor: $465

Major plan reviews have a high or moderate hazard risk and/or potential impact on natural hazards or natural features. Detailed plans are required. One or more technical reports (may be scoped) are required. 

  • Major: $1,185
  • Minor: $465

Major plan reviews have a high or moderate hazard risk and/or potential impact on natural hazards or natural features. Detailed plans are required. One or more technical reports (may be scoped) are required. 

  • Major: $675
  • Minor: $300

Major plan reviews have a high or moderate hazard risk and/or potential impact on natural hazards or natural features. Detailed plans are required. One or more technical reports (may be scoped) are required. 

  • Major: $3,515
  • Minor: $465

Major plan reviews have a high or moderate hazard risk and/or potential impact on natural hazards or natural features. Detailed plans are required. One or more technical reports (may be scoped) are required. 

  • Fee: $10,230

This includes applications involving an official plan amendment, zoning change and/or site plan approval for golf courses, trailer parks, campgrounds and lifestyle communities. 

  • No features of interest within 120 metres of licence limit: $10,230
  • Features of interest within 120 metres of licence limit: $42,850

Features of interest include all natural heritage, natural hazard and surface water features.

  • No features of interest within 120 metres of licence limit: $465
  • Features of interest within 120 metres of licence limit: $10,230

Features of interest include all natural heritage, natural hazard and surface water features.

  • Plan applications that fall into one or more categories will be charged one fee at the highest rate.
  • The GRCA may provide a refund or require the applicant to submit additional money for a plan review fee if an incorrect fee has been submitted.
  • You will be invoiced for plan review fees when comments are sent to you. To pay an invoice, please use the link given with your invoice to pay online. 
  • For mailed in applications, you can attach a cheque to your application and send to: The Grand River Conservation Authority, 400 Clyde Road, P.O. Box 729, Cambridge, Ontario, N1R 5W6. Please address cheques to 'The Grand River Conservation Authority' and include either application number or address in the cheque memo. 
  • To arrange alternative methods of payment, please contact Sara Acton-Hammill at 519-621-2763 extension 2320. Please reference application number, address or invoice number. 


Contact Us

Grand River Conservation Authority
400 Clyde Road, PO Box 729
Cambridge, ON
N1R 5W6
Phone: 519-621-2761
Toll Free: 1-866-900-4722