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Upper Grand flows

Critical flows

Critical flows table: This chart will help you understand the significance of various flows levels. The chart shows the name of the gauge, the affected communities and various flow levels along with the significance of that flow level. Flows are measured in cubic metres per second, i.e. the amount of water flowing past a spot in one second.
Gauge (Community) Flow (m3/s) Significance
Riverview 0.1 Normal summer low flow
Legatt (Grand Valley) 0.5 Normal summer low flow
60 Water at banks; low-lying areas flooded
135 Water over CR25
255 Major flooding
Marsville (Waldemar) 0.8 Normal summer low flow
65 Water at banks; low-lying areas flooded
290 Major flooding
Shand discharge (Elora) 160 Elora boardwalk floods
Salem, Irvine River 0.3 Normal summer low flow
West Montrose 5 Normal summer low flow
125 Campground floods
Up to 180 Warning Zone 1
180 - 280 Warning Zone 2; village floods
280 - 400 Warning Zone 3
670 1974 flood
400 - 700 Warning Zone 4
700 - 1400 Warning Zone 5

Location of flow gauges in the Upper Grand River

map of Upper Grand flow gauges

Provisional Data

Caution: Users of the GRCA's real-time data are cautioned to consider the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business.

The Grand River Conservation Authority assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the information contained in this website nor liability to any user of such information, regardless of the purpose.

Warning! River levels and flows can change rapidly.

Contact Us

Grand River Conservation Authority
400 Clyde Road, PO Box 729
Cambridge, ON
N1R 5W6
Phone: 519-621-2761
Toll Free: 1-866-900-4722