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Flow Summary

Tables summarizing the most recent water level in metres (m) and flow in cubic metres per second (m3/s) by watercourse. Summer low flows in m3/s are also displayed.

Grand River Sites Timestamp Level (m) Flow (m3/s) Summer Low-Flow (m3/s)
Dundalk WSC --- - - na
Riverview (Keldon) --- - - 0.1
Legatt --- - - 0.5
Waldemar --- - - 0.8
Marsville WSC --- - - 0.8
Upper Belwood (out of service) -- -- -- 1.0
Below Shand Dam WSC --- - - 4.5
West Montrose WSC --- - - 5.0
Bridgeport --- - - 10.8
Grand River at Hidden Valley WSC --- - - na
Doon --- - - 11.0
Galt WSC --- - - 15.1
Brantford WSC --- - - 20.7
York --- - - 22.4
Dunnville above Dunnville Dam (in MASL) --- - - na
Irvine River Sites Timestamp Level (m) Flow (m3/s) Summer Low-Flow (m3/s)
Salem WSC --- - - 0.3
Canagagigue Creek Sites Timestamp Level (m) Flow (m3/s) Summer Low-Flow (m3/s)
Floradale --- - - 0.1
Woolwich Dam (discharge) --- na - 0.3
Elmira at Arthur St. --- - - 0.3
Below Elmira WSC --- - - 0.3
Conestogo River Sites Timestamp Level (m) Flow (m3/s) Summer Low-Flow (m3/s)
Drayton --- - - 0.2
Moorefield --- - - 0.23
Glen Allan WSC --- - - 3.4
St. Jacobs WSC --- - - 3.9
Laurel Creek Sites Timestamp Level (m) Flow (m3/s) Summer Low-Flow (m3/s)
Erbsville --- - - 0.1
Laurel Creek Dam (discharge) --- na - 0.1
Clair Creek at Westmount Rd. --- - - na
Laurel Creek at Weber St. WSC --- - - na
Schneider Creek Sites Timestamp Level (m) Flow (m3/s) Summer Low-Flow (m3/s)
Schneider Creek at Ottawa St. --- - - na
Speed River Sites Timestamp Level (m) Flow (m3/s) Summer Low-Flow (m3/s)
Armstrong Mills WSC --- - - 0.6
Victoria --- - - 0.9
Eramosa River at Watson Rd. WSC --- - - 0.9
Speed River at Edinburgh Rd. WSC --- - - 1.7
Speed River Road 32 Below Guelph --- - - 2.0
Speed River at Beaverdale Rd. WSC --- - - 3.5
Mill Creek Sites Timestamp Level (m) Flow (m3/s) Summer Low-Flow (m3/s)
Mill Creek at Side Road 10 --- - - 0.5
Nith River Sites Timestamp Level (m) Flow (m3/s) Summer Low-Flow (m3/s)
Nithburg WSC --- - - 0.16
Philipsburg --- - - 0.6
New Hamburg WSC --- - - 0.6
Ayr --- - - 2.6
Canning WSC --- - - 2.9
Whitemans, Fairchild, McKenzie Sites Timestamp Level (m) Flow (m3/s) Summer Low-Flow (m3/s)
Whitemans Creek at Mt. Vernon WSC --- - - 1.1
Fairchild near Brantford WSC --- - na na
McKenzie Creek near Caledonia WSC --- - - na


  • WSC: Water Survey of Canada gauges
  • MASL: Metres Above Sea Level
  • m3/s: Cubic metre per second
  • na: Not applicable

Provisional Data

Caution: Users of the GRCA's real-time data are cautioned to consider the provisional nature of the information before using it for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business.

The Grand River Conservation Authority assumes no responsibility for the correctness of the information contained in this website nor liability to any user of such information, regardless of the purpose.

Warning! River levels and flows can change rapidly.

Contact Us

Grand River Conservation Authority
400 Clyde Road, PO Box 729
Cambridge, ON
N1R 5W6
Phone: 519-621-2761
Toll Free: 1-866-900-4722