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Birkett Lane

Birkett Lane grassland stewardship project

We have partnered with the City of Brantford to convert our property near Birkett Lane into native grassland, because this is suitable habitat for the threatened eastern meadowlark. 

Eastern meadowlarks are medium-sized yellow and brown song birds that live in large grasslands. They are at risk of becoming an endangered species, due to habitat loss. 

This project will also provide habitat for other grassland birds, such as clay-coloured sparrows, savannah sparrows, eastern bluebirds and bobolinks.

The partnership allows for a 20-year grassland stewardship project, starting in late 2017.

Stewardship practices you may notice on this property

  • Invasive tree and shrub removal
  • Prescribed burns
  • Native grass and wildflower seeding
  • Vegetation mowing
  • Annual vegetation monitoring
  • Annual grassland bird monitoring
  • Installation of interpretive signs

You can learn more about these practices on the Grasslands stewardship page.

Eastern Meadowlark

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