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Forest Management

Forests in the Grand River watershed provide environmental, social and economic benefits.

They provide habitat for birds, animals and plants, and places for people to hike and enjoy nature. Forests help moderate the cycle of spring floods and summer droughts. They provide products such as timber and maple syrup. Sustainable forest management protects the long-term health of forests and allows for these other uses.

A Watershed Forest Plan for the Grand River (5MB PDF) provides a history and description of our forests and some of the challenges they face.

Managing GRCA forests

We own about 11,500 hectares (28,000 acres) of forest. This is approximately seven per cent of the watershed's overall forest cover. In some subwatersheds, GRCA owns as much as 21 per cent of the forest.

We manage our forests for a wide variety of uses, with the environmental benefits they provide as our key objective.

Throughout our history, one of our goals has been to increase forest cover through tree planting. Over 40 per cent of the forests on GRCA land were planted. We actively manage these areas to restore forest diversity and health.

Private forest management 

Much of the forest cover of the Grand River watershed is on private lands. Landowners are important partners in protecting and improving the watershed's forests.

  • Owners of more than four hectares (10 acres) of forest, including newly planted areas, may be eligible for a tax reduction. Go to the website of the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program for more information.
  • Many municipalities have forest conservation or tree-cutting bylaws. Before cutting down trees, contact your municipality.

More information

These booklets and websites will help landowners manage their forests for their own benefit as well as the health of the watershed.

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