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New Hamburg Flood Mitigation Study

Project overview

New Hamburg is one of many communities known to be flood damage centres in the Grand River watershed. Much of downtown New Hamburg’s commercial and residential area is within the Nith River floodplain and is subject to regular flooding. Significant flood events occurred in 1948, 1954, 1975, 2008, and most recently in February 2018 and January 2020.

In 2019-2020, we completed a flood mitigation study for the town of New Hamburg. The project provided an updated estimate of average annual flood damages, a preliminary review of potential options to reduce flood risk along the Nith River in New Hamburg, and an initial cost-benefit analysis to determine the feasibility of potential options. In support of the study, we undertook a survey of floodplain residents and businesses to refine the flood damage estimate and help ensure it reflected actual damages experienced by the community.

The study's findings will support possible future applications for external funding to assist with the cost of implementing flood risk mitigation options in New Hamburg. Potential next steps include a review of dike ownership and access agreements, as well as further discussion of the study findings with Wilmot Township and other levels of government.

The study was funded by the National Disaster Mitigation Program and GRCA land sale reserves.

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As part of the study, we held three Public Information Centres (PICs) at the New Hamburg Community Hall.

Please note the following documents may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and require a document in an alternate format, please contact us.

This project has resulted in a new floodplain model and mapping for the Nith River and near shore areas in New Hamburg. This information may result in amendments to our regulated area mapping under Ontario Regulation 150/06 of the Conservation Authorities Act. 

The new floodplain model and mapping will also support review and potential future updates of flood warning zone mapping for New Hamburg.  

Draft proposed floodplain mapping was presented at PIC #3 and may result in revisions to our regulated area mapping under Ontario Regulation 150/06 of the Conservation Authorities Act. Please note the following document may not be accessible to people with disabilities. If you have a disability and require a document in an alternate format, please contact us.

If you have questions about the New Hamburg Flood Mitigation Study, please e-mail us.

The National Disaster Mitigation Program is a federal program that was established in April 2015 to reduce the impacts of natural disasters on Canadians. The program focuses investments on significant, recurring flood risk and costs. Public Safety Canada can fund up to 50 per cent of project costs to a maximum of $1.5 million in federal funding per project. The NDMP funding provides an important opportunity to share the cost of flood-related studies, analysis, floodplain mapping or small mitigation works.

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