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Warning booms and buoys being installed at GRCA dams

The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) is taking proactive steps to ensure the safety of water enthusiasts who enjoy activities on local reservoirs and waterways. As part of its annual safety procedures, the GRCA will be installing warning booms or buoys upstream of GRCA dams to alert paddlers, anglers and boaters to stay away from the dams.

The installation of these buoys and booms will take place upstream of GRCA dams sometime between April 8 and April 23, 2024, with timing subject to change depending on weather conditions. In accordance with regulations set by Transport Canada, which oversees navigable waterways, the GRCA is continuing to gradually replace existing orange booms with yellow booms.

Dams can pose serious hazards that can result in injuries or even fatalities if warning signs are ignored. Water surges through gates and valves or over the dams, creating strong undertows and currents around the structures, which can be extremely dangerous. To help manage these risks, the GRCA will be installing plastic floats joined together by a chain to create booms that serve as public safety devices.

It is important to remember that while the water around dams may appear peaceful, the areas upstream and downstream are much more dangerous. The GRCA urges all water enthusiasts to heed the warning buoys and booms and stay away from the dams for their own safety. These safety measures will be in place throughout the spring and summer months and will be removed in the fall before winter freeze-up.

For more information about safety around GRCA dams, please visit and educate yourself about the potential hazards and necessary precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience on the water.


Media Contacts:

James Clark, Senior Communications and Marketing Advisor
Phone 519-621-2763 x2240 | Email

Lisa Stocco, GRCA Manager, Strategic Communications and Environmental Education
Phone 519-621-2763 x2316  |  Email

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