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Restoration work continues on Brantford grassland habitat

The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA), in partnership with the City of Brantford, is focused on helping grassland habitats make a comeback in southern Ontario. Grassland habitats support a number of grassland-specific bird species including the Eastern Meadowlark– a threatened species that has been recorded in and around the City of Brantford.

The GRCA will be applying herbicide to the stems of invasive trees on its Eagles Nest property near Birkett Lane in Brantford. Most of the work will be completed in areas with limited access west of the John Wright Soccer fields. The work is expected to occur between September 18 and September 27. The public is reminded to obey safety signage on the property. The work will have no impact on the Trans Canada Trail, which runs along the top of the dike and is maintained by the City of Brantford.


Background Information

The purpose of the ongoing stewardship project on this property is to improve the quality of grassland habitat on the site for Eastern Meadowlark, as well as other songbirds and pollinators that depend on this type of habitat.

The ongoing grassland improvement project is being carried out on this property, as well as in portions of Brant Park, and was initiated in 2017 with the approval of a twenty year habitat compensation agreement between the GRCA and the City of Brantford. The agreement provides for the stewardship of 16.3 hectares of tallgrass prairie habitat – habitat that is often home to the Eastern Meadowlark. Currently considered a threatened species, at risk of becoming endangered, this songbird thrives in tall grassland habitat similar to that found near the John Wright Soccer Fields along Birkett Lane.

The project will be entirely funded by the City of Brantford, as it is required under the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s Endangered Species Act to compensate for the loss of Eastern Meadowlark habitat related to highway enhancements at Highway 403 and Oak Park Road. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is the lead agency for the provincial Endangered Species Act. Conservation Authorities are not involved in reviewing approvals or compliance under the Endangered Species Act.

For more information on this project or to learn more about grassland stewardship, visit


Further information:


Lisa Stocco, GRCA Manager of Communications
Phone 519-621-2763 x2316  |  Email

Cam Linwood, GRCA Communications Coordinator
Phone 519-621-2763 x2251  |  Email

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