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GRCA board approves 2023 budget

The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) will invest just over $35.4 million this year on programs that protect life and minimize property damage from flooding and erosion, improve the health of the Grand River watershed, connect people to the environment through outdoor experiences and manage its land holdings responsibly and sustainably.

The GRCA board approved the budget on Friday, February 24, 2023. The board is made up of 26 members appointed by the municipalities in the Grand River watershed.

Municipalities will contribute about $12.9 million in general municipal levy to the GRCA in 2023; about 37 per cent of the GRCA’s total budget. The municipal levy portion is increasing by 3.5 per cent or approximately 25 cents per watershed resident in comparison to the 2022 budget. The municipal levy portion of the budget is allocated to each member municipality using the “Modified Current Value Assessment” as outlined under Regulation 670/00 of the Conservation Authorities Act.

Other federal, provincial and municipal government grants totalling just over $3.2 million represent 9 per cent of the budget.

In 2023, the GRCA expects to generate about 49 per cent of its own revenue through sources such as camping fees, conservation area admissions, nature centre programs, hydro sales from dams, property rentals, tree sales, planning permits and donations raised by the Grand River Conservation Foundation (GRCF). Finally, five per cent of the total budget in 2023 will come from GRCA reserves.

“This will be a transitional year, as the GRCA continues to adapt and implement the amendments to the Conservation Authorities Act that have occurred over the past several years,” says GRCA Chair Chris White. “This budget continues to focus on responsible delivery of our programs and services and supports our strategic priorities and shared vision of a healthy watershed.”

Some specific highlights of the 2023 budget include:

Capital spending on Water Resources Planning and Conservation Areas

In 2023, the GRCA’s capital spending budget for water resources planning includes expenditures for the upgrade and maintenance of water monitoring and gauge equipment for water quality and flood forecasting and warning programs, as well as major maintenance and repairs to dams and dikes. Conservation area capital spending includes expenditures as part of the regular maintenance program, as well as projects and new construction not completed in 2022, which include the workshop at Brant Conservation Area as well as major maintenance at Conestogo Lake and Shade’s Mills conservation areas.

Drinking Water Source Protection Plan

The GRCA continues to work on the updates and implementation of a Drinking Water Source Protection Plan for each of the four watersheds in the Lake Erie Source Protection Region, including the Grand River watershed, as part of the provincial Source Protection Program under the Clean Water Act, 2006. Besides supporting municipalities and other agencies in implementing the plans, the focus in 2023 continues on completing updates to the Grand River Source Protection Plan, including development of water quantity policies, updating water quality vulnerability assessments, and the development of the annual progress report for the Grand River Source Protection Plan.

Full details of the 2023 GRCA Budget are provided in the February 24, 2023 board report.



Media contacts:

Cam Linwood, GRCA Supervisor, Strategic Communications
Phone 519-621-2763 x2251  |  Email 

Lisa Stocco, GRCA Manager, Strategic Communications and Environmental Education
Phone 519-621-2763 x2316  |  Email

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